YouTube Takes Steps to Limit Harmful Content for Teenagers
New Policy Aimed at Preventing Repeated Exposure to Potentially Harmful Videos
In a move designed to prevent teenagers from repetitively watching potentially harmful videos on YouTube, the streaming platform announced that it will limit repeated recommendations of videos featuring certain themes to U.S. teens. The new policy is aimed at preventing repeated exposure to content that may be innocuous as a single video, but could be problematic for some teens if viewed in repetition.
Identifying Harmful Content
YouTube has identified categories of content that may be harmful to teenagers, including videos that compare physical features and favor some types over others, idealize specific fitness levels or body weights, or depict social aggression in the form of non-contact fights and intimidation. These videos do not violate YouTube’s policies, but repeated viewings could be harmful to some youth.
Expert Input
The company’s youth and family advisory committee, comprising independent experts in child development and digital learning and media, helped YouTube identify these categories of content. James Beser, director of product management for YouTube Kids and Youth, announced the new policy in a blog post.
Impact on Teenagers
According to Beser, teens are more likely to develop negative ideas about themselves when consuming online media that focuses on “ideal standards.” Allison Briscoe-Smith, a child psychologist and member of the committee, said in the blog post that such content can “emphasize potentially problematic messages,” which can in turn affect how teens see themselves.
Global Rollout
The new policy will go into effect in other countries in the next year, according to the post. YouTube’s crisis resource panels will also now appear in full-screen mode, which the company hopes will encourage viewers to pause and explore a panel’s topics when searching the platform for information related to suicide, self-harm, and eating disorders.
Comprehensive Effort
Beser framed the new policy and updates as part of a comprehensive effort to “build great experiences” for young users. The company is committed to ensuring time on YouTube is time well spent.
YouTube’s new policy is a step in the right direction to prevent teenagers from repetitively watching potentially harmful videos. The company’s efforts to limit repeated recommendations of harmful content and its commitment to ensuring time on YouTube is time well spent demonstrate its dedication to promoting a positive and safe online environment for young users.
Q: What types of content will be limited in repeated recommendations?
A: Videos that compare physical features and favor some types over others, idealize specific fitness levels or body weights, or depict social aggression in the form of non-contact fights and intimidation.
Q: How will the new policy affect teenagers in other countries?
A: The new policy will go into effect in other countries in the next year.
Q: What other updates is YouTube making to its youth well-being features?
A: YouTube’s “Take a Break” and “Bedtime” reminders will now appear as a full-screen takeover and will surface more frequently, especially for viewers younger than 18.